A four ingredient cake, for lockdown

A four ingredient cake, for lockdown

The four ingredient cake — and one of them is a cup of tea. A very handy recipe for these times. This came from my friend Al, who contributed it to the village cookbook. It’s excellent both straight from the oven and toasted with butter after it’s cool. The recipe couldn’t be easier - every time I make it I’m astonished it actually works...

Soak 1 x cup of sultanas in 1x cup of tea (no milk), and when cool add to 2 x cups of self-raising flour and 1 x cup of sugar. Stir until combined, put in a lined loaf tin, and cook (180 degrees) for 50-60 mins - until golden on top and a skewer comes out clean. And then make your kids wait to eat it until you’ve taken a picture...